Family Tree Ministries: Homeschooling, Self-Sufficient Preparedness, Music and Faith
Family Tree Ministries is all about supporting families to build strong homes. We believe we do this by teaching a biblical foundation to life and learning in homeschooling, self-sufficiency preparedness skills and building faith and freedom through teachings and inspirational music. Family Tree Private School offers state-wide enrollment exclusively for homeschoolers and the Sisterhood of Motherhood Podcast provides inspirational content to the public. All ministry activities are devoted to the mission of Family Tree Ministries, a 501c(3) organization active since 1999 to Evangelize, Edify and Educate.
Directors Bob and Nancy Moral are education innovators, entrepreneurs, small family farmers, and experts on homeschooling and self-sufficient preparedness. Nancy is also an accomplished musician. They work together in Family Tree Ministries sharing Biblical precepts to help make families stronger both spiritually and physically as they pursue peace with God. Free music, literature, podcasts and demonstration videos teach on a variety of topics, such as spiritual growth, homeschooling methods, small family farming skills, special recipes, food preserving methods and how to care for gardens, pastures, fruit trees, a greenhouse, chickens, sheep, and goats.
Director Nancy Moral has a Bachelor's Degree in Special Education and a Master's Degree in Educational Technology and Research with over 35 years of experience working in education including as a Florida certified teacher for over 30 years. She taught in public and private schools K-college levels and is the founder and administrator of a K-12 school for homeschoolers. Nancy's wrote numerous publications, developed curricula for the state of Florida and the Seminole Tribe of Florida, and served on boards and advisory councils for homeschooling and accreditation organizations writing policies and procedures. She was an invited speaker before the Florida Senate Education Sub-committee regarding the use of the McKay Scholarship in a homeschool setting children with disabilities which she did successfully for hundreds of families, after-which the state formulated the Florida Gardiner Scholarship modeled in part after Family Tree Private School's unique program that allowed "parents to personalize the education of their children with special needs."
Director Robert "Bob" Moral is a faithful man of God and husband. He operated a business for 30 years and now works full-time on the farm. He held numerous positions as a coach in football and baseball and is World Champion Paintball Player. He was the Chaplain for the Constitution Party of Florida and was very active in Christian prison ministry service. He is a strong and effective leader for his family and community and actively homeschooled his three children with Nancy. He directs topics for teaching security, farming skills, self-sufficiency preparedness and evangelism. Be encouraged spiritually as you grow in your faith and create a self-sufficient home. If we can have any part in supporting your efforts to this end, it would be counted an honor. We hope you discover the purpose of your life as you provide for your family, educate your children and live a life pleasing to God according to the scriptures. Learn ways to become self-sufficient and be encouraged in your relationship with your Creator, our Father in heaven, and don't forget to give God all the glory and be thankful for His love and provisions! You are invited to take advantage of the many free services and information outlined on the homepage of this website including various specialized educational services. What to Expect in Videos and Literature: Farming - Learn small family farming, gardening and animal husbandry. Academics - Study analyses of learning theories, strategic planning with goals and objectives, and program development.Motherhood - Enjoy stories and encouragement for the journey. See our Sisterhood of Motherhood Podcast.Internet - Examine tips for home-life, and adaptations of technology.Living - Increase your knowledge of socio-mental health practices based on Biblical precepts and practical wisdom. Yesterday - Consider information from significant events in history.
Teaching - Learn homeschooling techniques and strategies for teaching in the classroom. Recipes - Study methods for making items from scratch for meals and natural health.Education - Examine alternatives and education options in the United States. You are invited to enroll in Family Tree Private School.Evangelizing - Find real peace in the truth of God's Word, and Enjoy our Worship Music!
Director Robert "Bob" Moral is a faithful man of God and husband. He operated a business for 30 years and now works full-time on the farm. He held numerous positions as a coach in football and baseball and is World Champion Paintball Player. He was the Chaplain for the Constitution Party of Florida and was very active in Christian prison ministry service. He is a strong and effective leader for his family and community and actively homeschooled his three children with Nancy. He directs topics for teaching security, farming skills, self-sufficiency preparedness and evangelism. Be encouraged spiritually as you grow in your faith and create a self-sufficient home. If we can have any part in supporting your efforts to this end, it would be counted an honor. We hope you discover the purpose of your life as you provide for your family, educate your children and live a life pleasing to God according to the scriptures. Learn ways to become self-sufficient and be encouraged in your relationship with your Creator, our Father in heaven, and don't forget to give God all the glory and be thankful for His love and provisions! You are invited to take advantage of the many free services and information outlined on the homepage of this website including various specialized educational services. What to Expect in Videos and Literature: Farming - Learn small family farming, gardening and animal husbandry. Academics - Study analyses of learning theories, strategic planning with goals and objectives, and program development.Motherhood - Enjoy stories and encouragement for the journey. See our Sisterhood of Motherhood Podcast.Internet - Examine tips for home-life, and adaptations of technology.Living - Increase your knowledge of socio-mental health practices based on Biblical precepts and practical wisdom. Yesterday - Consider information from significant events in history.
Teaching - Learn homeschooling techniques and strategies for teaching in the classroom. Recipes - Study methods for making items from scratch for meals and natural health.Education - Examine alternatives and education options in the United States. You are invited to enroll in Family Tree Private School.Evangelizing - Find real peace in the truth of God's Word, and Enjoy our Worship Music!