self-sufficiency preparedness
Be ready for an emergency so you and your family not only don't become victims, but you are also able to help others in need.
We are not to depend on others or governmental agencies to "save" us though they may offer assistance. We need to hear from our Lord and work within our community to prepare for emergencies.
We can be self sufficient and take charge of our own affairs since we live in a free country. You need to know, practice and defend the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitution as a patriotic citizen to protect your right to be independent to act.
Click Here to see the US Government resources for preparedness information and learn about federal disaster plans. Keep supplies& plans updated.
Bob has studied the topic of preparedness for years. Contact him below and click on the following link for videos: The Prepper Consultant.
Survival Blog is a very comprehensive site for information on civilian preparedness.
Freesteading Community is an example of an online community for people find local support groups.